Forget Superfruits: Eat a Plum
"Super-Fruits" are all the rage these days, promising the added health benefit of free-radical-destroying antioxidants. Blueberries, pomegranate, acai berries, blackberries -- all have been shown in studies to reduce the risk of certain physical maladies. However, what these uber-fruits also have in common -- apart from their high phytonutrient and antioxidant concentration -- is a hefty price tag.
Enter the plum. And the peach and nectarine. According to a published report on, these three, shall we say, regular fruits matched or exceeded blueberries in antioxidants and phytonutrients that are associated with preventing diseases.
The report is based on a recent study at Texas AgriLife Research, where researchers judged more than 100 varieties of plums, peaches and nectarines.
These findings are of particular importance in today's economy, when the goal of eating healthy is oftentimes overridden by financial realities. Even with the best intentions to feed our body the good, healthful foods it needs, sometimes it's just not in the budget.
Thankfully, it appears to be quite possible to obtain the disease-fighting antioxidants found in high-priced "super-fruits" from more budget-friendly produce options.