Shahrukh Khan B Grade Sex Movie - Leaked Film
( Do you know Bollywood King Shahrukh Khan was featured in film named Maya memsaab opposite Actress Deepa Sahi in 1993. The film had many sexual and B Grade scenes so censor board released the film cutting those B Grade and Extremely Love Making scenes. But Now, Those censored scenes are leaked on internet. You can see Shahrukh Khan having sex with Actress Deepa Sahi. It looks like 90s B Grade movie of Shahrukh Khan. There may be more B Grade movies of Shahrukh Khan and other Bollywood Stars which were censored but not leaked.
In this Film, Deepa Sahi played the character of Maya who had an sexual affair with Lalit (Shah rukh Khan). Deepa was totally unaware that the video was leaked and instead she said that no scene was objected by the censor board and the film went without any cuts after being rework by the revised committee. Director of the film and husband of Deepa Sahi, Ketan Mehta too claimed that no scene of his film had been cut by the censor board and so there arises no question of leak out of sex video. Enjoy this Shahrukh Khan sex tape and also enjoy Bollywood MMS Videos and Bollywood MMS Scandals.
In this Film, Deepa Sahi played the character of Maya who had an sexual affair with Lalit (Shah rukh Khan). Deepa was totally unaware that the video was leaked and instead she said that no scene was objected by the censor board and the film went without any cuts after being rework by the revised committee. Director of the film and husband of Deepa Sahi, Ketan Mehta too claimed that no scene of his film had been cut by the censor board and so there arises no question of leak out of sex video. Enjoy this Shahrukh Khan sex tape and also enjoy Bollywood MMS Videos and Bollywood MMS Scandals.